Do you know buddy? To invest in the Capital Market, you can take advantage of the services of an Investment Manager. Don't just hand over your investment funds into the hands of influencers or old friends who promise money. Make sure your investment funds are managed by the right party, namely those who have received permission from regulators such as the Financial Services Authority.
One of them, you can take advantage of the Investment Manager. Investment Manager is a party that has obtained permission from the OJK as the manager of a securities portfolio, collective investment portfolio or other activities in accordance with the provisions of the Capital Market Supervisor. For an explanation of the duties of an Investment Manager, you can check the following article on Your Attitude!
Then how to implement the role of Investment Manager? An example of the role of an Investment Manager is when you buy an investment product in the form of mutual funds, the Investment Manager will manage your funds and make investment decisions. In making investment decisions, the Investment Manager will analyze rationally by considering the risk profile and customer needs. For this reason, the Investment Manager will not just place your investment funds, and of course the instruments used are products that are registered and supervised by the Financial Services Authority!
People who work in investment managers, especially in the investment management section, must hold the Professional Investment Manager Representative certification. For that, you don't need to worry, because your investment funds will be managed professionally and by upholding the code of ethics. Based on the Financial Services Authority Regulation concerning the Investment Manager's Code of Conduct, in running its business, the Investment Manager is required to apply the principles: integrity, professionalism, prioritizing the interests of the customer, supervision and control, adequacy of resources, protection of customer assets, information disclosure, conflict of interest and compliance.
Investment Managers are also prohibited from promising certain profits or investment returns without risk. Naturally, in investing there is always an opportunity for profit and also the risk that accompanies it. For this reason, an Investment Manager is required to convey information correctly, not misleadingly, and in accordance with the laws and regulations in the Capital Market sector which regulates the guidelines for advertising Mutual Funds.
When gaining the trust of the customer, the Investment Manager must carry out transactions that are in accordance with the investment contract and carried out for the benefit of the customer, not for the interests of other parties. Thus, the Investment Manager is prohibited from conducting securities transactions for the benefit of the Investment Manager, Investment Manager affiliated parties or certain Customers.
That's a brief explanation of Investment Managers, I hope you understand more about investing in the Capital Market, make sure you take advantage of the services of an Investment Manager that is registered and licensed by the Financial Services Authority and don't be tempted by fake investment offers. For a list of registered Investment Managers, you can check here.